Linda Morris
Island Carnival Memories.
Linda was born a Valvona – her Dad Tony was born on the Island to Italian parents.
Linda’s grandfather Valvona owned the scrap yard in Oakfield where the family float would be constructed each year.
Linda remembers being wrapped in blankets as a very small girl and taken by her Mum to watch her Dad on the Valvona lorry in the parade on Ryde Esplanade, she thought it always looked so much fun up there. Linda remembers entering her first Children’s Carnival dressed as a tissue! In 1965 Linda and her sister presented the bouquets to the Carnival Queens and met Mr Pastry who according to Linda was not very nice!
Once Linda had a family of her own she helped produce entries for her daughter’s Rainbow and Brownie groups. Linda also ran a Lilliputs playgroup in Haylands and for several years created costumes and floats for her pre-school children. During the 2000s Linda became involved in creating the entries for Binstead Community Centre.
In more recent years she has been central to the Mardi Gras; firstly when she worked at Mayfield Middle School (Greenmount Primary) and then with Barton Primary where she rallied all the staff to be involved. Linda has helped many many children and young people engage with carnival over the years, giving children of all abilities the chance to both create and perform.
Now she has retired she is planning to continue her involvement with carnival by learning new skills which she hopes to be able to pass onto the next generation.
Linda remembers watching her Dad Tony Valvona and his family on their comedy float at Ryde Carnival.
Linda remembers entering Ryde Children's Carnival one year and talks about her Mum's sewing skills and being taught how to sew.
Linda remembers Carnival Week events - colouring competition, sandcastle competition and the presentation of flowers to Queens which Linda did in 1965.
Linda remembers the fair and events at the Rec, judging and children all getting sweets for taking part.
Linda remembers the floats from her childhood including the Valvona's University Challenge, lack of health and safety, and cooking burgers on a BBQ on one of her floats!
Linda's daughters taking part with the Rainbows and Brownies in the 1990s.
Linda remembers her Carnival entries with her playgroup Lilliputs in Haylands.
Linda remembers her involvement with creating the float for Binstead Community Centre through the 2000s.
Linda talks about her involvement with the Mardi Gras, firstly when she worked at Mayfield Middle and then Barton Primary School.
Linda talks about the buzz, the hard work and some memorable moments.